Improvement of irrigation system (IIP1)


    The project comprised investment measures to modernise the irrigation system at secondary and tertiary canal level in the Nile Delta. The approaches used by both projects generally correspond, however, the “Improvement to irrigation system 2” project includes further innovations to reduce water losses and reduce operating costs. The project area measures roughly 249,700 feddan (around 105,000 ha). Two complementary measures supported the organisation of the farmers into water user associations to improve the management of the water supply and to maintain the infrastructure.

    Overall rating: 2

    Is based on:

    Relevance: 2
    Effectiveness: 2
    Efficiency: 4
    Impact: 2
    Sustainability: 2

    Evaluation criteria & rating scale


    Sector:Agriculture & Environment
    Budget funds: 31.444.450,69 €
    Total funds:31.444.450,69 €
    Year of project completion:

    Notes on the methods

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