CP- Basic Health Programme in FATA


    The project, which was implemented in cooperation with GIZ, aimed to contribute to improving the precarious health situation of the population in the poor crisis region of the FATA, i.e. the Federally Administered Tribal Areas in Pakistan. For security reasons, the FATA have not been accessible to (international) visitors for many years. It was not until 2018 that the FATA were integrated into Pakistan's provincial governance system. The project aimed to improve health care by financing tuberculosis diagnostics and treatment as well as promoting mother-child care and health care services in remote areas. The measures are supposed to be implemented in part by the FATA Secretariat, but mainly by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) with experience in the FATA. The project was designed under the scope of FC/TC cooperation. The measures mentioned have expanded and continued the TC projects already started in the FATA (TB control and health care reform).

    Overall rating: 3

    Is based on:

    Relevance: 1
    Effectiveness: 2
    Efficiency: 4
    Impact: 3
    Sustainability: 3

    Evaluation criteria & rating scale


    Sector:Health & Population
    Budget funds: 5.312.772,28 €
    Total funds:5.312.772,28 €
    Year of project completion:

    Notes on the methods

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