Projects A and B contribute to implementing the national programme for small-scale irrigation (Programme National d'Irrigation de Proximité, PNIP) in the Inner Niger Delta (IPRODI, Timbuktu and Mopti regions) and also in Dogonland and Bélédougou (IPRODB, Mopti and Koulikoro regions). The Sikasso region was added during the implementation period. During the crisis (from 2013), funds for an immediate measure supplemented the programme (project C). The objective at impact level of the three projects was to improve the living conditions in the project regions and improve the security of the national food supply (at impact level). The projects’ goal at outcome level was to make the most of the agricultural potential in irrigation for a sustainable, selfsufficient agricultural sector and to increase the population’s income.Through the construction of perimeter pumps and small dams, an area totalling 12,030 ha was irrigated and smallholder farmers received advice on their usage. Supplementary measures were designed to make utilisation easier (storage for agricultural produce, earth roads).