Wind power plants in Mexico


    Global partner and the second largest economy in Latin America

    Map of Mexico

    Positioned between the United States to the north and Central America to the south, Mexico has an important geo-strategic position. With a population of around 130 million, it is the largest country with Spanish as its official language. The emerging nation ranks 15th among the world’s largest economies and has come to play an intermediary role between industrialised and developing countries. This makes it a global partner for Germany in the context of development cooperation. Notwithstanding its economic progress, the country faces a plethora of challenges. Social inequality is high, with 44 % of the population living in poverty. High crime rates, environmental pollution, and a lack of transparency have an impact on everyday life, especially in the cities. As a result, on behalf of the German Federal Government, KfW Development Bank is assisting Mexico with combatting climate change, protecting global public goods, preserving biodiversity and forging ahead with sustainable urban development.

    Local office

    KfW Office Ciudad de México

    Director KfW Office: Emiliano Detta
    Av. Insurgentes Sur 826, PH
    Col. Del Valle, Del. Benito
    03100 Ciudad de México

    Phone: +52 55 55 23 59 35

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